ప్రాథమిక వైకల్యం అవగాహన

తెలుగులో ఈ వీడియో మీకు వివిధ వైకల్యాల గురించి ప్రాథమిక అవగాహనను అందిస్తుంది.

Competencies, Humour, And Degrees Of Disabilities

See PwDs in different job roles, accepting themselves with humor, and sharing their experiences.

Disability Interaction Scenarios

Use this funny video to sensitize your team about do’s and don’ts on interacting with the blind.

Awareness About Vision Impairment

Watch this video to sensitize your peers about different aspects of vision impairment and feel comfortable with blind colleagues.

How To Introduce Persons With Physical Disability

This video explains the right way to introduce a person with physical disability with the correct terminology.

Awareness About Hearing Impairment

Use this video to sensitize people about different aspects of hearing impairment and feel comfortable with Deaf colleagues.